Changes to your reading platform
Renaissance Growth Platform(RGP)
We are making changes to your reading platform to make it ready for new and exciting developments. Users of Star Assessments and Accelerated Reader will see immediate improvements.Improvements to the way myON works will follow.
Renaissance Growth Platform(RGP)
睿乐生即将由旧系统平台全面迁移升级至全新的系统平台RGP ,与我们一起为接下来令人欣喜的改变做准备! Star Assessments 以及Accelerated Reader 的用户在数据迁移之后可以立刻感受RGP带来的优化, myON的升级将紧随其后,现在感受新系统平台RGP带来的改变吧!
What you need to do
The last scheduled date for customers to move to the new platform is 16th December and completed Data Protection Addendums were required by 11th December. If your school has not yet signed the DPA or scheduled a date for the move please contact our customer services team for advice: asiasupport@renaissance.com
睿乐生新系统平台的最后升级日期是12月16日,升级之前所要签署的《数据保护附加条款(DPA)》文件需要在12月11日之前提交。如果您的学校尚未签署DPA或选择系统升级日期,请尽快联系我们的客户服务团队寻求系统升级支持:asiasupport@renaissance.com 。
Improvements to Accelerated Reader and Star Reading
Accelerated Reader and Star Reading will both be moving to the Renaissance Growth Platform, which will be hosted on servers outside of China, where you’ll be able to see all the information you need at-a-glance to monitor and drive growth for every student.
The new Accelerated Reader Record Book is the go-to option for many customers because it makes day to day tasks easier. As well as displaying class and student level quizzing details, including the last quiz taken and who is reading above or below their ZPD, it makes it quick and easy to review quiz answers, reprint TOPS reports and much more.
You and your students will also benefit from:
- Powerful and easy to use goal setting tools
- More AR quizzes and additional functionality including teacher-made quizzes
- Enhanced data management and security
Updates to Accelerated Reader and Star Assessments Video
Watch our new video to find out more about the improvements to our learning platform and the new features this enables us to bring to Accelerated Reader and Star Assessments.
Accelerated Reader以及Star Reading的惊喜升级!
Accelerated Reader 和 Star Reading 两个产品将会与睿乐生新的系统平台(RGP)一同进行升级并且服务器也将部署与海外,在升级完成后,您可以在新系统平台RGP上一目了然所有信息,更方便地监测并促进每个学生的成长。
新升级的 Accelerated Reader Record Book 是教师的日常工作减负小助手,能够让其日常任务变得更加简单。教师不仅能在上面直接查阅班级和学生的测验详情(包括最后一次测验详情以及阅读量与ZPD对比详情),还可以快速、轻松地查看学生的测验答案、重新打印 TOPS 报告等。
- 功能强大和更好用的目标设定工具
- 更丰富的 AR 测验题库和附加功能,包括教师自制测验
- 更可靠的数据管理和安全系统
Accelerated Reader以及Star Assessments 产品升级介绍视频
观看视频,进一步了解睿乐生成长平台的优化,以及由此带来的 Accelerated Reader以及Star Assessments 的改变!
Changes for myON
myON will be moving to new servers hosted outside of China, which will make it ready for improvements to come. Apart from signing the Data Protection Addendum and choosing your preferred date for the move, all you will need to do is bookmark the new URL that will be provided by our Upgrade Support Specialists.
myON将迁移至新的海外服务器,为即将到来的系统升级做准备。 除了签署数据保护补充协议以及选择合适的迁移日期外,您只需要收藏myON的新链接即可享受升级服务。
Read More 了解更多
Customers in China using Star Assessments and Accelerated Reader are being upgraded to a new platform called the Renaissance Growth Platform (RGP) which supports new and improved functionality. This document provides more information.
睿乐生新的系统平台RGP升级正在进行中,新平台为Star Assessments以及Accelerated Reader的用户提供了相应优化功能。如需了解更多信息,请点击下方文件查阅。
Contact us 联系我们
We’re here to support you throughout the entire process. Please bookmark this page for future reference and share the link with your colleagues.
- Email: asiasupport@renaissance.com