杨秉瑄 P2A
你是如何养成阅读习惯的呢?How do you develop your reading habit?
就像我的英语老师指导我们的一样,我会写当天的to do list,每天坚持阅读打卡,中英文1小时。即使是在寒假期间,我也坚持阅读不间断。I followed my English teacher’s instructions and keep a to do list. I read English and Chinese for one hour every day especially during the winter holiday.
你平时最喜欢读什么类型的书呢?What kind of books do you like best?
我最喜欢读历史和战争类的书。阅读带给了我知识,我很高兴在上课的时候把书里读来的知识分享给我的同学们。国旗下讲话分享探究成果的时候,我也能把我阅读的内容分享给大家,这也让我很自豪。I like reading about history and war best. Reading has brought me knowledge. I feel proud to share what I have read in the flag raising ceremony. I feel so proud.
读历史书时,我觉得很有趣的一点是中国作者写的历史书和国外作者写的历史书关注点不太一样。I read history books. I think it’s interesting that the focus of history books written by Chinese writers is different from that written by foreign writers.
欧阳婉玉 P3D
希望之星英语大赛2022 杭州市一等奖
全国小学生英语能力竞赛2022 浙江省一等奖
SPBCN国际英文拼词大赛2022 杭州市二等奖
5.0(相当于美国小学五年级小学生的阅读水平)。It is 5.0 (equivalent to the reading level of the fifth grade primary school students in the United States).
我经常光顾图书馆,选自己喜欢的纸质书,我很享受与书在一起的时光。线上我用学校的英语阅读平台,它的好处是有在线词典功能,能随时查询,扩充我的词汇量。I often visit the library and choose my favorite paper books. I enjoy the time with books. Online I use the school’s English reading platform. Its advantage is that it has online dictionary function, which I can use to expand my vocabulary.
萧婷娜 P6D
Spelling Bee 全国第十一名
我特别痴迷读书,我特别喜欢读科幻小说和神话小说。那些悬疑类的书,总是吸引着我读到最后,看主角如何成功脱离困境。I am particularly obsessed with reading. I especially like reading science fictions and myth novels. Those books with suspense at the beginning always attract me to read them until the end to see how the protagonist successfully gets out of trouble.
美国读书时候,学校只有一周一次的图书馆课程,而且只能一周借阅一次图书。现在在维翰,只要老师允许,随时可以进出图书馆,而且线上图书馆资源也很丰富,这让我很满足。I studied in the United States before,the school only has library courses once a week and we can only borrow books once a week. Now in Wickham, I can enter and leave the library at any time as long as the teacher allows, and the online library resources are also very rich, which makes me very satisfied.
How important do you think reading has been to you in learning English? In what way has it helped you?
Pretty important, I think it helps with my reading always.
If you come across with new words, how do you learn a new word?
I search it on the browser and remember it and when I come across again with that word in the context.
When you search it, will you try to look for the Chinese meaning or you try to read the description in English?
In America of course I didn’t, but now sometimes I did. But I will first try to find the English definition.
林弘毅 P5B
小学生英语能力竞赛 全国二等奖
全国小学生英语故事大赛 二等奖
全国小学生英语能力测评 二等奖
SPBCN国际拼词大赛 晋级城市决赛
我特别喜欢和学校的外教交流,因为外教大多比较风趣幽默。另外,用英语语聊天时候,我的思维更开放,有时能发现自己的另一面。三方会谈时,我可以全程用英语总结一学期的学习成果。刚开始英语用交流的时候没有那么流利,但我会竭尽全力把所有知道的词汇用上,流利了之后就更自信了。I especially like to communicate with foreign teachers in our school, because most foreign teachers are humorous. In addition, when chatting in English, I am more open-minded and sometimes I can see another side of myself. Since the first year at Wickham, I have always enjoyed chatting with foreign teachers, and I was able to share my learning experience in English in the three-way conference. I wasn’t as fluent in English at first, but I tried my best to use all the vocabulary I knew. I became more confident when I became fluent.
因为原著更原汁原味且容易理解。我还记得当时看《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中文译本,文章里总是堆叠一大堆的形容词,语言晦涩难懂,所以我就直接找了原著来看了。Because I like the language in the original book which is easy to understand. I still remember reading the Chinese translation of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” at that time. The article was always stuffed with a lot of adjectives, and the language was obscure. So I went straight to read the original book.
李玥羲 P4B
SPBCN 晋级全国总决赛
希望之星 英语歌曲 浙江省二等奖
小学生作文大赛 全国一等奖
小学生英语能力竞赛 全国二等奖
我喜欢阅读英文读物和听唱英文歌曲。I like to read English books and sing English songs.
我每天都会坚持大声朗读英语15分钟。阅读能积累词汇量和句型,阅读时候遇到不懂的单词,我喜欢用纸质词典查生词,或者阅读有生词注解的材料(比如英文报)。I insist on reading English aloud for 15 minutes every day. Reading helps me accumulate vocabulary and sentence patterns. When I encounter words that I don’t understand, I like to use paper dictionaries to look up new words, or read materials with annotations of new words (such as English newspapers).
学了英语就可以更好地出国去玩了呀!有一次我在游乐场玩过山车,用英语报了身高,管理员就很快让我进入围栏,我特别高兴!After learning English, you can go abroad to play! Once I went to play on the roller coaster abroad and told the staff my height in English, the staff quickly let me in. I was quite happy!